As you know, Beach United Church is one of the founding members of The Beach Cares, a refugee sponsorship group established in 2015 to sponsor refugee families fleeing violence in Syria. Since that time refugee sponsorship has been supported by many people from the Beach community, including members of St. Aidan’s Anglican Church and Beach United Church. I’m writing to give you an update on the work of The Beach Cares.

Since 2016, we have supported three Syrian families to find safety and a new life in Toronto. Our first 2 families are now well settled, raising their children, and thriving in their new homes. Most recently, our efforts have been focused on a large family that came to Canada through a less direct route. First, we sponsored one daughter, about 5 years ago. Next, her oldest brother arrived last year with his Ukrainian wife, fleeing war once again in Ukraine.

Then, at the end of January of this year, their parents arrived, with the youngest 3 members of their family: 2 young women aged 28 and 22 and a son aged 20. After 9 years of displacement in Lebanon, they are now happily settled in a lovely 3-bedroom apartment near Eglinton and Victoria Park. The 3 younger members are all in high school and the whole family is focused on learning English.

The Beach Cares is overjoyed to see this large family reunited after so many years of separation and suffering. We are working hard to support them to settle well in Canada.

While the work is a labour of love for the members of The Beach Cares, it is also a big financial commitment. Unlike our earlier sponsorships, there is no contribution from the Federal Government for this newest family. There are also unexpected medical and dental costs, some of which are not covered by government health plans. Altogether, we are expecting to need an additional $25,000 this year.

Will you, please, consider a contribution to support our work with refugees? Donations can be made:

  1. by cheque payable to the Church of St. Aidan at 2423 Queen Street East, Toronto, ON, M4E
    1H6. Please do not mail cash. Note in the memo line that the cheque is to support “The Beach
  2. By E-transfer from your bank account – by sending it to: (If this is your first donation to St. Aidan’s, please
    send a separate email to with your full name,
    including middle initial, and mailing address so that we can send you a receipt for tax
  3. Donate online through Canada Helps. There is a service charge of 4% of your
    donation amount.

Whatever way you choose to provide your support, please note that the contribution is for The
Beach Cares.

Thank you for helping us to support this family!
Paul Dowling, Co-Chair
The Beach Cares

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