Beach United Church is a founding member of The Beach Cares (TBC), Syrian Refugee
sponsorship program, which was founded in 2015.  The Beach Cares is a joint project of
Beach United Church, The Anglican Church of St. Aidan, and members of the local

Since the establishment of The Beach Cares, we have completed our sponsorship of two
families from Syria and a third sponsorship of a young Syrian woman.
Later, we supported the young Syrian woman to reunite in Canada with her brother and his
Ukrainian wife. The young Syrian man had lived in Ukraine until the invasion by Russia in

In 2024, we celebrated the arrival from Lebanon of the parents and siblings of the young
man and his sister. Their parents and 3 siblings arrived as sponsored refugees at the end of
January and have settled in an apartment near Victoria Park and Eglinton. All the family
members are working hard to learn English.

In addition to direct sponsorships, The Beach Cares has assisted a number of other Syrian
refugee families with various settlement challenges. Volunteers with The Beach Cares
continue to provide support to the people that we have sponsored after the ending of the
formal sponsorship programs.

The sponsorship of such a large family is gratifying and exciting for The Beach Cares. It is
also a huge financial commitment. It is reliant on generous donations from the community.

Eid celebration meal prepared by our sponsored family

If you are able to support The Beach Cares financially, please consider making a donation at the St. Aidan’s donation site. Please designate your gift for The Beach Cares. 

The Beach Cares welcomes volunteers to support the ongoing refugee work – please click here

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