When are your worship services?
Our weekly worship service takes place every Sunday starting at 10:30 am.
We hold special holiday services on Good Friday and Christmas Eve. Service times will be announced on the website.
What are your services like?
At Beach United, we enjoy an informal style of worship that is biblically based. Our Sunday services include hymn singing, scripture readings, reflections on the scripture and prayer. We celebrate Holy Communion together on the first Sunday of every month, and everyone is welcome to participate in this sacrament.
Through our services, we hope to create an atmosphere of exploration where people can make connections between their daily lives and their beliefs. Questions, doubts, and curiosity are encouraged as part of our ongoing spiritual lives.
Click here to learn more about the United Church of Canada’s beliefs.
Does Beach United offer baptisms?
Yes, we baptize children and adults, and you do not need to be a member of the congregation. Please visit this page if you would like to learn more.
What should I wear?
Our congregation is very informal. Some people like to dress up for church, others feel more comfortable in casual clothing. Whatever you wear, you will be welcomed!
What children’s programs do you have?
During certain Sunday worship services, there is a nursery staffed for very young children. Older children participate in activities related to the theme of the weekly worship service. We also have a Children’s Choir, and we involve young people in special events, such as environmental clean-up days and our Christmas Market.
Can I get married at Beach United Church?
Yes, we conduct weddings at Beach United. Contact our Event Coordinator to discuss your wedding plans with one of our ministers and to arrange the rental of our main hall.
Can I rent your church hall for my wedding, even if it isn’t a Christian ceremony?
Yes. Absolutely! If you are from another denomination or faith, you may rent Beach United’s main hall for your ceremony. Contact our Event Coordinator to discuss the arrangements.
Do you visit congregation members?
Yes, we have a number of volunteers from the congregation who faithfully visit those who are in the hospital or confined to homes. Also, our ministers offer confidential pastoral care to those who are grieving, struggling with depression or critically ill. Please contact the church office to request a visit.
How do you help people in your local community and around the world?
Beach United is part of the Interfaith Lunch Program. Four congregations and one synagogue in the Beach neighbourhood provide a community lunch five days a week, from October to May. Beach United offers lunch on Thursdays. Anyone is welcome at this lunch. Guests include those living in poverty and on social assistance, as well as people who feel socially isolated. Many people from the congregation and the neighbourhood support this lively program.
As part of The Beach Cares, we are working in partnership with St. Aidan’s Anglican Church and members of the community to help Syrian refugee families get settled in Canada.
Beach United’s Knitting for Shivering Children group knits and collects warm “pneumonia vests” and blankets that are donated to Canadian Food For Children. This charity distributes the vests and blankets to poor communities in South America and Africa.
What are “pneumonia vests”?
Pneumonia vests are knitted for children who live in climates where it is hot during the day but cold at night. The vests keep the children warm at night and protect them from illness. Beach United’s Knitting for Shivering Children group knits and donates the vests to Canadian Food For Children, which distributes them to poor communities in South America and Africa.
Who is on staff at Beach United?
Our minister is Greg Daly. We also have a director of music, a general manager, a property manager, a part-time office administrator, dedicated coordinators, and caretaking assistants. See our Meet Our Team page for more information.
How is Beach United Church funded?
All of Beach United’s programs, building expenses and staff are funded by donations from congregation members. We also generate revenue from our environmental initiatives including our Solar panels and our Green P accessible parking lot. For more information on our initiatives, click here.
A percentage of all donations go to the United Church Mission and Service Fund which support programs across Canada and around the world.
How can I help support Beach United financially?
Beach United Church depends on the support of the community. We warmly welcome your contributions in support of the many programs we offer.
You can donate online by visiting our donate page. You can also donate cash in the offering plates and envelopes during Sunday worship. If you wish to make a regular commitment, you can contact the church office to request donation envelopes or to arrange for a monthly “PAR” contribution directly from your bank account. You can also donate online via Canada Helps.
What is PAR?
PAR stands for Pre-Authorized Remittance. It’s a simple way for you to make regular donations to Beach United. The amount of your choice is donated directly from your bank account each month. To arrange this, contact the church office.
Is Beach United a registered charity?
Yes, Beach United is a registered Canadian charity. Our charitable business number is 118980291RR0001. Donations over $25 to Beach United are eligible for a charitable tax receipt. For more information, visit the Canada Revenue Agency website.
How do I sign up for Beach United’s newsletter?
You may sign up for our newsletter here and select your areas of interest.
Is Beach United on Social Media?
Our Facebook and Instagram accounts share updates on our events and concerts, happenings within our community, and spiritual insights. Visit us on Facebook and Instagram for our latest!