Acting Minister

Rev. Dan Benson - Acting Minister

Rev. Daniel Benson, Acting Minister
(416) 691-8082 ext. 1

Somewhat ironically, my first official day at Beach United was the first anniversary of my official retirement!  Despite the irony, I’m delighted to be here at Beach as the Acting Minister while Rev. Greg is on leave.  As half-time minister, I will be focusing on worship, pastoral care, community engagement, and supporting the congregation in its vision of “exploring faith and building relationships with God, People, and the Earth.”

During my retirement year, I spent time church surfing: often in the pew, visiting churches across the GTA on Sunday to worship, simply ‘be,’ and soak up the incredible diversity of faith communities, worship styles, and fellowship in our United Church of Canada. Some Sundays, I was in the pulpit, as guest preacher and worship leader (a different kind of surfing…). So, being at Beach will bring a little bit of stability to my wandering ways of the last twelve months. Read More


Reverend Greg Daly

Rev. Greg Daly, Minister (currently on leave) 

Greg Daly brings his passion for justice to his call at Beach United Church. He is a graduate of Emmanuel College and was ordained by the United Church of Canada in 2018. Greg has served at several communities of faith in the Toronto area. As a life-long learner, Greg recently completed a Master of Pastoral Studies at Emmanuel College with a primary focus on pastoral counselling in health care settings. In support of that work, Greg undertook placements at Dorothy Ley Hospice in Etobicoke and St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto. Greg also serves broader church structures through offering leadership in the Toronto 2SLGBTQ+ community of faith network, and as Chair of the Property and Finance Committee of the Toronto United Church Council……Read More

Programming Staff

Dr. Steven Webb, Director of Music

Originally from South Africa, Steven Webb (b.1989) is a Toronto-based composer,
and performer. His current compositional work is concerned with examining the
human experience, with the disorientation, confusion, and dread that arises from
living in a world dealing with a climate crisis, growing conflict, and marginalization
towards minority groups, and the increasing isolation of the individual in spite of
our hyper-connectivity.

His compositions and arrangements have been performed by The Winnipeg
Symphony Orchestra, The Toronto Symphony Orchestra, Thin Edge Music
Collective, The University of Guelph Symphonic Choir, The Hamilton Children’s
Choir, Exultate Chamber Singers, Prairie Voices, among many others.


Cate Duff, Office Administrator
(416) 691-8082 ext. 0 /

Karen Ward, General Manager
(416) 691-8082 ext. 2 /

Allison Woo, Communications Coordinator
(416) 691-8082 ext. 0 /

Nathalie Zeta, Children & Youth Coordinator
(416) 691-8082 ext. 0 /

Board of Directors

Beach United Church is run with the help of a dedicated team of volunteer Board of Directors and Animators.

Meet our Board Members

Mary Anne Lemm, Chair

Paul Dowling, Treasurer
Richard Underwood, Secretary
Martin McFarland
Lynne Fulcher
(Ministry and Personnel)

Meet our Volunteer Leaders

At Beach United, our volunteer leaders are called “Animators”.  An Animator brings energy and coordination to projects within their area of ministry. 

Hastings Withers, Engage and Connect

Paul Dowling, Seeking Justice