
Fulsome fragrant spring greetings!

Yes it is effusive but finally we get to celebrate blossoms and growth and sunshine so it feels only fitting to be so enthusiastic!

As this is written we know we are dealing with an extended lockdown as we try and pummel this third wave into submission and it has been a blow for many just hanging on till we can be out and about with more freedom. If you are really feeling the impact of this delay we sincerely encourage you to reach out for support and commiseration even with those you trust and who care about you. We are so mindful of the burden remaining isolated or restricted in movement can mean and the Beach UC community is a part of your support system, please know that.

We were hoping to write to you about plans for a cautious re-opening – hopefully that will be the topic of next month’s Eblast. In the meantime, we do have things to celebrate – the incredible success of the many Eventbrite events coordinated by the ever fabulous group of volunteers who bring creativity and passion to keeping our brains and hearts engaged. These events (Kim Echlin, Mairlyn Smith, our documentary series, the upcoming David Miller talk) are not only engaging our minds but are contributing a significant source of fundraising revenue which is so helpful to our bottom line. Our sincere and heartfelt thanks to everyone who is putting time and effort into making these a success, we are grateful 😊

Of note the monthly documentary discussion series will be suspended over the summer but feel free to suggest new offerings when we ramp up in the fall.

We also want to highlight a change in our Ministry & Personnel governance. After many years providing guidance and support in this role Frank Plue is finally giving himself permission to, in his word “enjoy being an octogenarian” and we want to first thank him for his continued role but also to wish him all kinds of adventures with this newfound free time. AND – we are delighted to let you know that Lynne Fulcher has agreed to become the Chair of M&P. With her incredible experience from the corporate world to guide her we are looking forward to what she will bring to this very important role.

In the meantime, please stay well and, as always, if you have thoughts, ideas, concerns please let us know and email us at: board@beachuc.com. We are wishing you well and are holding fast to the goal of seeing you all in person someday soon.

Brian, Nanci, Barry & David

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