Board Approved 06/2024

Ministry and Outreach Events

  • Namely: Worship Services, Choir Practice, Knitting Group Meetings, and Thursday Lunch Program
  • Please wear a mask if you wish and stay home if you feel unwell
  • Signage concerning these points will be posted at the entrance by the event leader or their designate
  • By entering the Church, you confirm
    • Willingness to follow these protocols
  • Rental events are not to be held at times that coincide with Ministry and Outreach Events

Tenants and Rental Events

  • The onus is placed on the event holder to set the protocols for their individual events
  • Rental Events cannot over occur in times scheduled for Ministry and Outreach Events
  • If there is conflict on protocols between two rental groups, they are encouraged to work it out between themselves; if there is an impasse and management needs to get involved, we will default to the group closest to the Ministry & Outreach protocols
  • Event holders must sign an addendum to their rental agreement asserting that, from a COVID spread perspective, they, and not the Church, are responsible for the protocols they have established