Message from the Board


August is such a bittersweet month. It signals the end of summer and the start of a new season whether it’s back to work, back to school, or just back to routines we had abandoned during the carefree months of summer. It can be an exciting time of year because it can be a time to start new habits or routines, perhaps make new plans for activities in the fall, or maybe you want to make time for some volunteering. We also want to soak up every last bit of summer before it escapes ’til next year. So enjoy and cherish the rest of the summer.

In September after our 10:30 Sunday services members of the Board will be available to hear any ideas, questions, or comments you might have about our church community. Make some notes while you’re enjoying the rest of your summer and bring the notes to any of the September services — “The Board will be in Session”. If you can’t make it you can also email anyone on the Board including myself:

The Board also wants to share some staff changes which you may or may not be aware of. Karen Cornece, our general manager, is leaving at the end of September for health reasons. We will miss you Karen and hope you are able to take time to regain your health. We are now looking for someone to replace Karen.

We’re also looking for a Children and Youth Coordinator to work with children in our church community. If you know of anyone who might be interested please pass on the info. Here’s the link to both job postings. 

At our last board meeting in July we met in our backyard. Right in the middle of the meeting a pair of gold finches flew in and sat on our back fence. We paused long enough for everyone to get a good look. I hope you can find the time during your day to pause and witness the beauty which is all around us.

The board and I look forward to meeting some of you in person in September.

Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Mary Anne Lemm, Chair
on behalf of the Beach United Church Board