Fred’s Walk 2020

June 5th join the Beach United Church Team for this year’s Virtual Fred’s Walk.

During this time of isolation I’ve thought a lot about how lucky I am to be able to shelter. How lucky I am to be able to wash my hands. How lucky I am to have food in the fridge. It’s been a crazy time and we’ve all had lots on our minds but just imagine if you didn’t have a place to call home. How scary would that be? Long before COVID Fred Victor Centre has been helping people find shelter. I’ve been on previous year’s walks and have always been inspired by Fred Victor’s compassion. They see people who need a helping hand whether it’s helping someone find shelter, helping someone learn a new skill so they can find work or offering food when someone is hungry. [Mary Anne Lemm]

Please join the Beach United Team and Fred Victor and offer a helping hand to more people in our community. You can join the Beach United Team as a participant and collect your own donations which would be terrific or you can donate directly to the Team page. Thanks in advance.

Recovery for All

Some of us at Beach United Church have joined the Recovery for All – a campaign to end homelessness in Canada once and for all. This bold campaign is trying to reverse the decade’s long policy of homelessness, encouraging our Parliament to invest in a COVID-19 recovery for all individuals.

We are at a unique moment in time when big change is possible – we have a progressively aligned federal Parliament and a public sharing in some of the fear, worry and anxiety that our homeless neighbours feel every day. We have proven models to follow, communities already having success in reducing homelessness and we have a growing and powerful grassroots movement working to end homelessness. 

We can stimulate the economy, create jobs, and end homelessness at the same time. 

I would really appreciate it if you could join too! It takes 30 seconds. Here is the link

Thank you!!!!

Welcome back Anne

Sunday May 31, 10.30 am. Karen Dale hosts a Zoom session with guest Rev. Dr. Anne Simmonds.

Theme: “My Help” using Psalm 121.

To register for this session contact

Rev Dr. Anne Simmonds has a depth of experience in the following areas – Individual Spiritual Companioning and Counselling – Spiritual Support Groups – Pastoral Consultation to Congregations – Leading workshops & retreats. Anne currently teaches in the Masters of Divinity Programme at Emmanuel College (Toronto School of Theology, University of Toronto).

A Green and Just Recovery for Cities

Monday, May 11th, 4:00-5:00 pm   Online (Zoom or YouTube)

Click here to register

Right now, cities across the world are developing strategies for the longer-term recovery from COVID-19. In Toronto, the Mayor has struck a special Task Force on recovery and created a new office of Recovery and Rebuild. C40 Cities – an organization for global city climate action – recently launched the Global Mayors COVID-19 Recovery Task Force, to drive forward a sustainable and fair economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. 

In this conversation, we’ll talk about how cities can move forward on equitable climate action in their recovery response. We’ll discuss what Toronto can learn from other cities about what the critical elements are for a bold, green and just recovery. 

DAVID MILLER is the Director of International Diplomacy and Global Ambassador of Inclusive Climate Action at C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group.

EMMAY MAH is the Executive Director of the Toronto Environmental Alliance.