Anti-Hate Security and Prevention Grant Recipient

Beach United Church received $7,500 from the Ontario government as part of their program to combat hate in Ontario and build stronger, safer and more inclusive communities.

The grant is intended to help ensure faith-based organizations (churches, mosques or synagogues) and cultural organizations (such as, those that serve Black, Indigenous, Asian or 2SLGBTQIA+ communities) have safe and secure community spaces in which to practice their faith or express their cultures and beliefs.

The grant can be used to enhance or implement measures to protect and secure their facilities from hate-motivated incidents, graffiti, vandalism and other damages.

Beach United’s Operation Advisory Committee will be developing recommendations on how to use the funds which may include things like enhancing locks, installing cameras, training staff and other measures.

Fall 2023 Seeds of Hope Grant Recipient

Thank you to The United Church of Canada Foundation for granting us the Wesley C. Smith Fund ($3000) for Peace and Justice Programs, in support of our Queer Youth United program 💕

To see the full list of Fall 2023 grant recipients, please click on this PDF.

Queer Youth United (QYU) is a weekly drop in for youth and young adults (15-29) who identify within the Queer community, and more specifically with a desire to focus on the experiences and needs of transgender people. Beach United Church offers safe(r) space for transgender and questioning individuals in a space that offers positive alternatives to engaging the world. QYU is about celebrating and encouraging queer youth in the universal call to “live as our authentic selves”.

To follow Queer Youth United, please visit their Instagram account. To learn more about Corin, our QYU Coordinator, please click here!

Christmas Week

On Sunday, December 31st, please join us for breakfast and conversation, as we grow into the New Year 🌱✨

Our building is fully accessible, and you may find more information on parking and public transit here.

Please see below for our Christmas Week schedule. Our Christmas Eve services (10:30am and 7pm) will be live-streamed if you are not able to join us in person.

Sunday Dec. 17, 2023 at 10:30am
Third Sunday of Advent
Choir Cantata – Christmas Presence

Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2023 at 7pm
Blue Christmas 
longest night service honouring grief & loss

Sunday, Dec. 24, 2023 at 10:30am
Fourth Sunday of Advent
celebrating the love of the season

Sunday, Dec. 24, 2023 at 7pm
Christmas Eve 
‘Lessons & Carols’ Service

Sunday, Dec. 31, 2023 at 10:30am
Anticipating the New Year 
with food and conversation

Christmas Organ Concert with Manuel Piazza

Join us on Saturday, December 16th at 4:30pm for a special Advent and Christmas-themed organ concert, featuring a diverse selection of organ favourites to get you in the holiday mood. Tickets are pay-what-you-can, and proceeds go towards Beach United’s year-round community programs

RSVP here for our Christmas Organ Concert with Manuel Piazza.

About Manuel Piazza

Manuel Piazza is the Assistant Director of Music at St. Thomas’s Anglican Church, where he accompanies the High Mass and Evensong choirs and leads the parish’s new children’s choral program, The St. Thomas’s Choristers. Manuel completed his undergraduate studies in Organ Performance at the University of Toronto, studying repertoire with John Tuttle and conducting with Ivars Taurins. 

As an undergraduate in Toronto, he served as choir director and organist at Our Lady of Sorrows Roman Catholic Church, organ scholar at Trinity College (University of Toronto), organ scholar at St. James’ Anglican Cathedral, and one of the five organists of St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica. 

He was also an organist for the Yale Schola Cantorum, conducted by David Hill. After graduation, he was Interim Assistant Director of Music at Trinity Church in the City of Boston, working with Colin Lynch. Manuel’s playing has been praised for its “seamless registration changes … imaginative stop selections, smoothly shifting tone colours … abundant energy, (and) rhythmic control” in Organ Canada. Other awards include the Godfrey Hewitt Memorial Scholarship (RCCO), the Mary Baker Scholarship in Organ Accompanying (Yale Institute of Sacred Music), the Julia R. Sherman Memorial Prize for excellence in organ playing (Yale School of Music), the Aidan Kavanagh Prize for Academic Achievement (Yale Institute of Sacred Music), and the Ernest MacMillan Memorial Foundation Prize.