One of the ways we, as people of faith, seek justice is through the electoral process, seeking to elect people to represent us who share our values and our commitment to social justice. As you know, Canada will be electing new Members of Parliament on October 21.
Representatives of 8 faith communities in the Beaches-East York riding, in conjunction with GreenPac, have organized a forum to hear from the 5 main candidates for the election about their values and intentions in 3 key areas: the environment, health care, and inequality.
The meeting will be at Beach United Church on Thursday, October 3 at 7:00 p.m. The ground rules for the evening will be clear. We don`t want to hear what they think of the other guy. We want to hear what each candidate believes and what they will do if we elect them.
Come to the Candidates Meeting; hear what the candidates say and, on October 21, vote for the person and the party that best represents what you expect from Canada.