Invitation to a Zoom Meet-up

You are invited to a Zoom Meet-up

Theme: Happy Hour check in.
Time: Saturday April 25 from 4:00 – 4:40 p.m.
Host: Karen Watson

Bring your thoughts on how this pandemic and staying at home may have changed your outlook. What will you keep after this is over?  What will you leave behind?   Not mandatory, but it could be inspiring to share our thoughts on opportunities for personal change that have come from this crisis.

This is an opportunity to connect. We might be physically separated but Beach United Church is offering a virtual space to gather and share.

Please email Karen Watson and she will send you a Zoom link.

A New Normal

by Paul Dowling

As we live through this unprecedented world situation, we find ourselves wondering when things will go back to “normal”. Many things are different during the pandemic, which is now expected to last several weeks.

When it is over, will we go back to doing the things we used to do before?

  • Will we pay for things with coins and paper that pass through many hands?
  • Will we sit together with numbers of people to make decisions, to share a film, to hear a song?
  • Will we travel all over the world in airplanes to see different cultures and sights?
  • Will we greet people by shaking their hands?
  • Will we greet friends with a hug?

Or, will we ask ourselves which of these things that we used to do are unnecessary and put us and others at risk?

  • Why not continue to pay for our purchases with a tap of a card, avoiding the risk and inconvenience of money?
  • Why not meet with others by phone or video conference, watch films in the comfort and privacy of our homes, listen to music on the radio or on-line?
  • Why not stay home and enjoy the many cultures here in our own City?
  • Why not greet people with a warm word or a friendly hand gesture?
  • And what about that hug?

This unprecedented experience gives us all the chance to reflect on what is important in our lives and to make choices for the future based on what we value.

  • Ensuring that the time we spend with others is used well, valuing the presence of other people in our lives. (maybe continuing those long walks together!)
  • Recognizing that the connections that we make with each other are meaningful, even when we are not physically present with each other.
  • Celebrating the differences between people, as well as the similarities.
  • Using scarce resources wisely, traveling only when it is necessary.
  • And making our hugs meaningful and heartfelt.

Let’s use this time wisely to ensure that in the new normal our world is a better place.

The Bob Dylan Story: An Online Lecture/Concert with Dr. Mike Daley

Listen to Dr. Mike Daley in the comfort of your home and let the music and lyrics of Bob Dylan speak to you during these challenging times.

Dr. Mike Daley is a musicologist and lecturer on music history as well as a longtime professional musician, working with the likes of Jeff Healey and the Travellers. In this recorded lecture-concert, Mike tells the fascinating story of the Bard of Hibbing, Bob Dylan, interspersed with several of Dylan’s most iconic songs. Following the posting of the lecture, Mike will answer your questions about Dylan in a livestream on YouTube.

To receive your link to The Bob Dylan Story:

  • Register on Eventbrite to receive the lecture/concert link via email when it goes live (if you need assistance with this, email
  • The link you receive by email will go live on April 9 and remain live until April 23.

You will be able to watch Mike Daley’s Lecture/Concert as many times as you wish during this time period.

Mike will host a 30-minute livestream Q & A on YouTube on April 20, at 11.00 am. You will receive an invitation with a link to this via email
Donations appreciated, $10 suggested.

Beach United Church, like many other organizations, has lost most of its income. Your generous donations will help us continue to:

  • Share a weekly take-out lunch for those in need
  • Provide quality programs on our website
  • Support our community through phone calls and food delivery
  • Pay for the services of professional musicians & presenters

Check out the event on Eventbrite!

Beach United Church’s Response to COVID-19

I am writing to assure you that we at Beach United have been carefully monitoring COVID-19 developments.  The volunteer leadership, ministry staff, and operations staff have been in ongoing contact to develop and implement plans to deal with the situation and keep people well.

On the operations front, plans are underway to increase our cleaning and sanitation activities.  Signage has been put in place encouraging hand-washing and other protective measures.  As many chairs will be set out for events as is reasonable to allow people additional space.

On the ministry front, we are assessing what events should be postponed or modified in other ways. We appreciate that we all need social contact in one form or another and that we need to strike the right balance between keeping everyone physically well and mentally well.  We are also working to increase our ability to help those who might be ill or unable to leave home because of COVID-19.

Guidelines for staying well

We repeat the best advice from public health officials and encourage you to follow their guidelines:

  • If you are sick yourself, stay home and avoid contact with others 
  • Wash your hands frequently and keep your hands away from your face as much as possible.
  • Keep a social distance of two meters away from others, especially those who may be sick.
  • Cough into a tissue and dispose of it.
  • Use alcohol or Clorox wipes to disinfect surfaces you are concerned about.

If you need assistance

  • If you are ill, or self-quarantined and need any assistance, call 416-691-8082 or email
  • If you need someone to speak with because of your worries or personal concerns and would like to contact a minister or receive pastoral care, phone 416-691-8082 x26 or email
  • If you need more information about COVID-19, visit the Toronto Public Health CORONA-19 page.
  • If you need information about any changes to upcoming events at Beach United Church, check the calendar, our website, or our Facebook page.

We will continue to provide updates on what we are doing to look after the welfare of the Beach United Church community until this event passes and things return to normal.

-Brian Gauthier, Chair – Board of Directors