Sound of the Harp

Harpist Kathryn Merriam will be adding the beautiful sounds of voice and harp to the service on Maundy Thursday, April 18, 7 pm.

Kathryn moved many people by her playing at the Longest Night Service last winter, so we are pleased to welcome her back to help us connect to the deep emotions of Jesus’ last days.

Kathryn’s music explores themes of mindfulness, nature, spirituality, seeking, and marvelling at the universe, interweaved with peaceful sound-scapes and psychedelic-folk inspired textures.

Easter Sunrise on the Beach

Experience the power of light returning to the world on Sunday, April 21, 6.20 am.  Gather together near the Leuty Lifeguard Station.

Early in the morning, surrounded by respectable liars, religious leaders, anxious statesmen, and silent friends: 
you accepted the penalty for living God’s way.

You shouldered and suffered the cross, 
and with the words, “It is finished!”

You put an end to our hopeless state of death,
giving instead the promise of new life.

-Adapted from an Easter prayer  “Lord God, Early in the Morning,” from Stages on the Way by John L. Bell and Wild Goose Worship Group.  

Fair Trade Fayre

Meet Samuel Ansell, our guest speaker at Saturday, March 30’s Fair Trade Fayre

Samuel Ansell has been CEO of Casa Relief since 2016. Samuel has spent the last 15 years working or volunteering as an advocate for the impacts of Fair Trade. His passion for travel and social justice has led him to 34 countries in the capacity of missionary, teacher & guide.

For over 10 years Casa Relief has been dedicated to the supply, education and spread of the key principles of Fair Trade. They are dedicated to supplying quality fair trade products through direct partnerships with individual artisans, families and co-operatives from around the world.

Casa Relief currently works with twenty cooperatives and family units in Nicaragua, Ecuador, Peru & Cambodia along with working with similar organizations in India and Nepal.

On Saturday, March 30 at 12:30 PM Samuel Ansell will speak about his experiences working to support social justice initiatives and fair trade principles. From 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM you will have an opportunity to support various fair trade vendors including Casa Relief, Talis, Moyaa Shea, Mamaa Trade, Beit Zatoun and Camino.

For more information on Casa Relief please visit:

For questions and if interested in volunteering at the Fayre please contact: Nicole Tanti at

Lenten Action for Climate Change

Take the challenge: 40 Days of Lenten Action

What action will you take to reduce your carbon footprint and live with respect in Creation?

Lent is a time when people take up spiritual practices to connect with the 40 days Jesus spent preparing for his ministry. This Lenten season, let’s each commit to actions to walk gently on the earth, to discover both appreciation and gratitude as we connect to God, our earth, our neighbours and ourselves.

To reduce your carbon footprint, you can give up something up or commit to doing something different.

Click here to share your Lenten action (and to see what other people are doing).

Not sure how to start? Click here for a list of suggestions.

Want to make a plan to change your habits? Click here for sample charts that you can use to set goals and track your progress.

Looking for more ideas?

Here are some of the actions that people at Beach United are taking to reduce their carbon footprint:

Food Actions:

  • I will replace 90% of my meat & fish with plant protein
  • I will replace 90% of my dairy with plant substitutes
  • I will not waste any food
  • I will eat some vegan meals each week

Transportation Actions:

  • I will replace 90% of my personal car travel with walking/cycling/public transit
  • I will carpool coming to Church
  • I will figure out how many air miles I travelled last year and plan to cut it by 90% this year

Shopping Actions:

  • I will not buy any new clothing (or buy it second-hand if I need it)
  • I will avoid single-use plastics

Energy Reduction Actions:

  • I will turn off the lights!