Beach United Invites you to Join our choir

Do you love to sing? Looking for a relaxed, friendly environment and community to share your love of music? Join the choir at Beach United Church! From traditional choral to gospel, jazz, and world music — we do it all! All voice types and experience levels are welcome.

“Choir, is a great place to release a lot of positive spiritual energy; it’s also time when I experience the joy and discipline of singing with others. I find the sound of music to be very healing. Choir is good for my soul.”

Rehearsals: Thursday evenings from 7:00-8:30 p.m. at Beach United Church (140 Wineva Ave.)

Register for the choir on Eventbrite by clicking here. For more information contact Steven Webb at

Beach United Enrolls in Bullfrog Power Program; Takes Another Important Step to Reduce Carbon Footprint

Good news! Beach United Church is taking another step to reduce its carbon footprint!  We are enrolling in a program offered by Bullfrog Power to offset our purchases of natural gas with an equivalent amount of methane. The methane is produced from the decay of biomass materials in a ” bio-digester” and injected into the pipeline system.

At BUC we are currently burning nearly 6,000 cubic meters of natural gas annually. By offsetting this combustion of natural gas with the purchase of methane, we would help avoid extracting natural gas from the earth.  In this way, we reduce our carbon footprint.

The BUC community, have taken seriously our commitment, as stated in The New Creed, “to live with respect in creation”. More must be done. We are not helpless; we have the power to take actions, both individually and collectively, to nurture life on earth. 

Come and join the Environmental Action Group on Tuesday, November 26 at 7 pm in the BUC office and be part of the next steps to address the climate crisis.  Together we can make a difference!

Contact Minister, Karen Dale at for more details.

Beach United joins march for climate justice

Beach United Church joined thousands upon thousands of young people at Queen’s Park and on the streets of Toronto on Friday, September 27, 2019.  We streamed from the subway, streetcars, and buses to shout for climate justice.

What do we want?  CLIMATE JUSTICE

When do we want it?  NOW!

We heard young people speak eloquently on the need to act now; saying that no-one will be left behind and we will follow the lead of our First Nations peoples.  The passion and fury were as palpable as the care shown for all – chairs for those who needed them and a vehicle for those who could not march on foot.

Usually, at such a large event there would be litter everywhere;  I did not see a single dropped item of any sort – pretty amazing.  It was very humbling to join others all around the world who are making their voice heard.

No more coal.  No more oil.  Fossil fuels stay in the soil!

-Karen Dale, Minister

All Candidates Meeting at Beach United

One of the ways we, as people of faith, seek justice is through the electoral process, seeking to elect people to represent us who share our values and our commitment to social justice. As you know, Canada will be electing new Members of Parliament on October 21.

Representatives of 8 faith communities in the Beaches-East York riding, in conjunction with GreenPac, have organized a forum to hear from the 5 main candidates for the election about their values and intentions in 3 key areas:  the environment, health care, and inequality.

The meeting will be at Beach United Church on Thursday, October 3 at 7:00 p.m.  The ground rules for the evening will be clear. We don`t want to hear what they think of the other guy. We want to hear what each candidate believes and what they will do if we elect them.

Come to the Candidates Meeting; hear what the candidates say and, on October 21, vote for the person and the party that best represents what you expect from Canada.